Friday 18 January 2008

Swiss cheese fondue on an outdoor stove

Still in the office, but only minutes away from the weekend. And I was just thinking what I could to tonight. Watching TV is way too boring, going out is too much of a hassle, too much noise. The snow has temporarily melted and it is quite warm (+ 6 degrees C / 43 F), so I might throw my camping gas stove, a pan, a Swiss fondue cheese mix and bread in my backpack and enjoy a quiet dinner in the woods. A cool place along Lake Thun is the river delta of Kander. Only a few minutes outside the town boundries of Thun. Park your car in Einigen, you cannot miss the river as you cross it on the road. So simply follow it for about 0,5 miles until you reach the delta. It's no problem to find enough logs to make your own fire, the view (especially with full moon) overlooking the lake and the lights of the lake-side villages along the far side of the lake is great. Watch out for sudden floods due to local weather in the mountains and the impact of a power station further up.

1 comment:

AudreyO said...

I love fondue..when I saw the title of your blog post, I had to stop by and read :) Gorgeous photos!!